Autor |
Request for Ip's of two banned users |
3 Beiträge - Einmalposter
(sorry for the english, my german is not that good in writing)
I am the clanleader of the dutch GAMERT clan. ( /
We got aware that there are two players going around that use a simulair TAG/NICK what we use. Those players are GAMERT_Dutch-FIX and GAMERT_Owning-you.
I already heard from others that they seem to (and by playing) are on a offensive to make GAMERT having a bad name by cheating and spamng chats with offensive language.
Ofcourse this is not a good thing for any clan. So while tracking them down, as those are obvious players that where kicked from our clan, i saw them playing on your EA CH Helvetica server today (4-2-2009@ 20:30) and with a obvious cheat. After some admin kicked/banned them the server also crashed.
Because we have a suspision about who they are, i would like to ask you if it's possible to have the Ip's of both the players that where kicked from the server. would be nice to have a screenshot of bf2cc with the mentioned ip's. (the bf2cc deamonlog would even be better).
I'm planning to inform the clanleader where they went to about the actions of two of their members. O.k it won't help much maybe but i'm kind of pissed about it all. Certainly about the bad name GAMERT might get by this.
BTW i use the requested ip's to cross-link them with our registered posting ip's on our forum.
I'm very sorry to see that other clans and there public servers got into this dispute and i appologize for the inconviniance.
You can contact me thru my e-mail adress from this profile our add me on MSN : marcusrene[at]
if you doubt me this is my gamert forum profile :
Thanks for you time and your effort..
Gamert Dutch-FIX
Der Post wurde 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Dutch-FIX am 04.02.2009 - 22:40.
Beitrag vom 04.02.2009 - 22:38 |
659 Beiträge - Alter Hase
1/2 verstandu 
Beitrag vom 05.02.2009 - 07:24 |
Administrator 1252 Beiträge - Hardcoreposter
Hey Dutsch-Fix
I'm sure you will get something of us, if possible 
Beitrag vom 05.02.2009 - 07:33 |
Administrator 1575 Beiträge - Hardcoreposter
Hello Dutsch-Fix
If possible i will send you the Ip's or the logfile today 
How long you been leader of the Gamert clan? You know Madmax nemesis? In 2005/2006 i have played lot of time on your Server 
Beitrag vom 05.02.2009 - 13:15 |
3 Beiträge - Einmalposter
Zitat Original geschrieben von McFly
Hello Dutsch-Fix
If possible i will send you the Ip's or the logfile today 
How long you been leader of the Gamert clan? You know Madmax nemesis? In 2005/2006 i have played lot of time on your Server  |
Almost 2 years now.. i have stopped counting Also i'm running it together now with Helldon who manages the COD4 section... people come and go 
But yes i do know him from the old days.. In that time it was hoppermania that leaded the clan together with Gforce and OU812.
And madmax was a nice guy, great skillzz one of the best those days... but had his flaws to
Thanks in advance for your effort...
Ip's would be nice.. we also are going to follow this up thru PBBANS. Already pulled the demos from that evening so i have some proof..
If your not happy sending the deamonlog you could only send me a printscreen from the banlist of bf2cc with the nickname row filter set to GAMERT that wil show only those two (or only one). That info will show also the banned ip and hash although i have seen already they have multiple GUID available.
You can unsticky the dashboard if you like..
Send me what you can it's much appriciated.
Der Post wurde 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Dutch-FIX am 05.02.2009 - 23:52.
Beitrag vom 05.02.2009 - 23:50 |
3 Beiträge - Einmalposter
Not to rattle the chains to much...
Any news about a eta on ip's /screens ?
Yes i'm a bit impatience sorry about it... but i want to catch the guys as soon as possible to make it stop.
Beitrag vom 07.02.2009 - 22:30 |