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Tom ist offline Tom  
Esports Heaven
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First up, welcome and thanks to all who signed up for the website and registered their clans already. Building the Battlefield community here and the success of future cups will be in your hands. After speaking with dfb (Heaven Media Group eSport Specialist and manager of Esports Heaven) the decision was taken to give Battlefield 2 a chance to develop here following the recent return to the game by major organisations and the release of Battlefield 1943 and Bad Company 2 next March. The idea is to begin with some Nightcups, the format of which you're all mostly familiar with - 5on5 infantry only 16 team "One Night Wonders". Depending on the interest shown in these, we'll certainly be looking to host some 8v8 CQ tournaments - should the community wish it. Depending on the interest, activity and popularity of these tournaments and the community - based on your efforts - we will be looking at hardware and cash prizes in the not so far away future. So don't be shy to use the forums here and spread the word for your team to register for an account in preparation for the first set of One Night Wonders coming next week.

Eine neue Seite die unter anderem auch BF2 Events organisiert. Man will die BF2 Szene nocheinmal aufleben lassen (Bevor dann BF:BC2, 1943 im März erscheint).
Beitrag vom 28.11.2009 - 17:17
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McFly ist offline McFly  
1575 Beiträge - Hardcoreposter
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Dönt nid schlächt Hm
Beitrag vom 30.11.2009 - 20:32
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007stev ist offline 007stev  
606 Beiträge - Alter Hase
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bin natülich au derbi
Beitrag vom 30.11.2009 - 21:05
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Electroshock ist offline Electroshock  
983 Beiträge - Forenjunkie
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I so oft wieni cha...
Beitrag vom 30.11.2009 - 21:21
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