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Combat Testing
1252 Beiträge - Hardcoreposter
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The guys at Combat Testing let us know they will be "collecting data" for the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC beta, and have opened up registration. If you don't already have an account you can register through the link listed below.

Combat Testing will be collecting data for the BF:BC2 PC beta. To help this process, Combat Testing is open for new registrations and will give out keys to all it's testers.

People who want to join Combat Testing by registering here

Die Jungs von Combat Testing hab uns darauf hingewiesen, dass sie "Daten" über Bad Company 2 sammeln werden und dass man sich dafür registrieren kann. Wenn du nich schon einen Account hast, kannst du dich unter dem Link unten registrieren.

Combat Testing wird Daten aus der Beta von Bad Company 2 sammeln, bzw. auswerten. Um diesen Prozess zu unterstützen ist Combat Testing offen für neue Member und alle Tester werden einen Beta-Key erhalten.

Personen die Combat Testing beitreten möchten können sich hier registrieren

What kind of people are we looking for:

We are looking for highly motivated people to join our crew as volunteer testers. Previous experience is a plus but it is not necessary. Please review our responsibilities and qualifications before requesting an invitation to apply.


* Discover and reproduce issues in pre and post-release software.
* Report and track issues in our bug database.
* Provide development support as required (design feedback, difficulty testing).


* 18 years of age or older.
* High school diploma or equivalent required; college degree a plus.
* Good written and English oral communication skills.
* Attention to detail.
* Ability to work as part of a team; previous experience in a leadership role a plus.
* Ability to identify problems and offer solutions.
* Aptitude for quickly learning new systems.
* Understanding of video game conventions and standards; previous software and/or Beta testing experience a plus.
* Basic knowledge of video capture software a plus.

How can I join Combat Testing:

Combat Testing operates primarily through an invitation system. We allow interested players to request an invitation by using the form below. Write a paragraph explaining why you would make a good beta tester in the motivation section. After we receive your request we’ll send you an invitation to apply.

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